Further Behavioral Support champs

As a project, and with direction from the University of Tennessee, the Tennessee Behavior Supports Project has suspended outside K-12 school visits and all workshops at this time. Consultants and office staff are available by email, please reach out to those individuals for any further questions or concerns. For any general questions please email the office: tbsp@utk.edu, or reference our website for staff contact information: https://etbsp.utk.edu/tbsp-staff/.

Methodological behaviorism was first presented by John Watson and is the basis of the behavioral approach to psychology and consists of the beliefs that human beings are no different from the other living animals in existence and that the objective approach to studying behavior and learned conditions and responses is the most effective method of understanding overall psychology and behavioral responses. Methodological behaviorism also supports the belief that living beings are born with the. Methodological behaviorism was first presented by John Watson and is the basis of the behavioral approach to psychology and consists of the beliefs that human beings are no different from the other living animals in existence and that the objective approach to studying behavior and learned conditions and responses is the most effective method. These are (1) social support, (2) experiential knowledge, (3) trust, (4) confidentiality and (5) easy access. Actionable Options Building on the research on essential elements, potential options are outlined for further applying peer support in the military environment.1 Each of these options is structured around a goal that meets a.

Further Behavioral Support  Champs Login


TBSP has developed a state-wide website to prioritize resources for families and educators called theCOVID-19 response page. Please visit this site frequently as materials are routinely updated.

Supporting RTI2-B in East Tennessee Schools

Further Behavioral Support champs

Further Behavioral Support  Champs Elysees

The Tennessee Behavior Supports Project (TBSP) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville provides training, materials, and tools to support administrators, teachers, and staff in the implementation of Response to Instruction and Intervention – Behavior (RTI2-B). Schools that implement RTI2-B can expect a decrease in the number of office discipline referrals, a decrease in suspensions, an increase in academic achievement, and more time for teachers to teach, students to learn, and administrators to run their schools efficiently and effectively.