Prudy's Problemthird Grade Reading Streets

This series is designed for those who are currently learning the reading street stories. They can be played whilst your child reads along. This will enable h. Unit5fifthgrade reading, spelling, vocabulary.doc - Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 5 The Three-Century Woman The Unsinkable Wreck of the R. S Titanic Talk with an Astronaut Journey.

by ElizabethCoomer
Last updated 1 year ago

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INSTRUCTIONS1. Listen to Main Idea as you read along on pages 198 and 199. Do numbers 1 and 2 on pg. 198. 2. Listen to the Vocabulary Strategy on pages 200 and 201 as you read along in your book. Do the write part on pg. 201. 3. Listen to the story Prudy's Problem once while reading along in your reading book. Then read it on your own.4. Listen to the spelling words and make your own sentences using 5 of the word. 5. Complete the learn Zillion assigments.with notes.6. Watch the video numbered 2, 3,complete the entire exercise.7. Do the Seatwork assigment.POST ALL YOUR WORK ON THE GLOG. If you have finished early, read the level reader assigned to you by your teacher through and take an AR test on the ones you read. Also take an AR test on Prudy's Problem. 8. Take online test on Friday with As Always do your best, and HAVE FUN!

Click here for level reader and test on Friday.





Prudy's Problem





Teacher Toolbox Lesson 7 (2)


Teacher toolbox Lesson 7 (4)

Teacher toolbox Lesson 7 (3)


Discovery Education



Prudy's Problem Reading Street

Most kids collect something. Prudy collects everything! Rocks, stamps, foil, worn-out toothbrushes, pretty paper napkins, tufts of hair from different breeds of dogs --everything! It is a delightful examination of a common affliction. (Pearson Reading Street, 2010)

Prudy's Problem Reading Street

This lesson was created as part of the Basal Alignment Project, during which teachers created CCSS-aligned lessons for existing literary and information texts in basal readers. All page numbers and unit/week designations found in this lesson relate to the edition of the basal reader named above. If you are using a trade book or different edition of this title, the page/unit/week references in this lesson will not match. Consult the content referenced in the body of the lesson to determine appropriate page numbers for your text.