Fallout New Vegas Redesigned 3

  1. Fallout Ttw Redesigned
I'm currently in the process of modding my current TTW playthrough, installing some fun mods, optimizing my game, the whole shabang. I noticed on the post about current mods known to be incompatible with the 3.2 version of TTW includes Fallout Character Overhaul (FCO), but however does not include New Vegas Redesigned (NVR). If I can, i'm looking to incorporate NVR into my game if there isn't any issues. But I'm puzzled because I know that NVR does use some assets directly from FCO except any ESM or ESP's, and I'm wondering if NVR is compatible or if there are any current patches for it. I haven't done a whole lot of digging on this so excuse me if I happen to be behind the curve. Any feedback would be appreciated.NewFallout

New Vegas Redesigned 3 New Vegas Redesigned addresses a few issues related to lore and world, but it’s key focus is recrafting every NPC to better reflect who they are. If they’re a grizzled war. My ENB messed some up some characters from New Vegas Redesigned 3. Here is a video of how they look in vanilla settings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti5RH. I noticed on the post about current mods known to be incompatible with the 3.2 version of TTW includes Fallout Character Overhaul (FCO), but however does not include New Vegas Redesigned (NVR). If I can, i'm looking to incorporate NVR into my game if there isn't any issues.

Fallout Ttw Redesigned

Redesigned for New Vegas and Fallout 3 are invaluable additions to anyone's game. Like Cormell said, thank you for continuing to improve this old game.